Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan: Get Quick California fingerprinting
California fingerprinting - do you need it? If you are looking for a statewide network of California live scan locations,
Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan has you covered. Almost every major
city has one of our locations, which are open by appointment and

Thousands of applications are accepted by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) as part of the California Live Scan program. If you'd like to request a Live Scan in California, you must submit a Request for Live Scan Form with an identification form and a payment method.
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Live Scan Process At Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan
You can register and enroll online in some California locations for your Live Scan transaction. This allows applicants to provide all necessary information and pay online. To schedule an appointment, you can call or schedule an appointment online if you need an access credit card.
It is essential to know that most of our Live Scan locations are independently owned. So, it is essential that you check their hours of operation and always call now to ensure they will be available to assist you when you submit your Live Scan fingerprint transaction. Completing the background check will receive a copy of your Request for Live Scan form.

Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan support is always available to assist you with any issues with Live Scan. Please contact us today!
In California, how can I obtain a fingerprint clearance?
Every California law enforcement agency may ask for fingerprint clearance to confirm a person's identity. A few actions need to be completed to obtain fingerprint clearance. The initial step is finding out what kind of criminal record search you'll need. Criminal background checks come in three flavors: Basic, Enhanced, and Expanded.
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