Everything you need to know about Live Scan Fingerprinting

The process of Live scan fingerprinting reduces a ton of issues linked with ink fingerprinting, such as smudging, smearing, and over or under-inking. An impressive advantage of live scan fingerprinting is that your fingerprints are transmitted directly to the Department of Justice.
Nowadays, live scan Fingerprinting is done through electronic tools. Results of Live scan fingerprints get electronically transmitted to the Department of Justice for the criminal record check. The technology used in Live scan Fingerprinting replaces the process of recording ink fingerprinting. Although many states still require ink fingerprinting.

Live scan Fingerprinting enables Live scan service providers much like Anshinotary to electronically transmit live scan fingerprints to the authority in seconds, instead of hard copy fingerprint cards through the mail. The DOJ forwards Live scan Fingerprints to the FBI (if asked). Anshinotary offers both Live scan services and ink fingerprinting services.

Applicants slated for Live scan must get instructions and the Live scan forms required for Live scan Fingerprinting services from the agency requiring their criminal background check. Since different Live scan forms are used. All of the live scan applicant fingerprint submissions must be transmitted electronically. In California, Live scan fingerprinting must be done by a certified fingerprint roller.

What are the benefits of Live Scan?

The process used in live scans helps in avoiding many of the problems associated with ink prints, such as smudging, smearing, and over or under-inking. Another significant advantage of Live Scan is that your fingerprints are transmitted directly to the Department of Justice. Authorities like the Department of Justice conduct a criminal background check, based on your fingerprints, and results are sent within 24 to 72 hours to your employer or licensing agency.

Background of Live Scan 

 The legislation was passed in 1997 and as a result, DOJ has created the automated background check process which requires digitized fingerprints (“Live Scan”). Digital fingerprints are sent to the DOJ right away, which saves both time and money.

How Does the Process Work?

 An experienced & Certified Technician such as Aaron Anshin in will scan your fingerprints using a Live Scan machine. The entire session takes five to ten minutes and your prints are immediately sent via electronic transmission to the appropriate FBI-Certified channeling agencies for background processing. The technician collects all the applicable fees from you (the live scan applicant).

How much does Live scan Fingerprinting Cost?

We charge a standard fee and would love to discuss that with you, you can get your appointment at https://www.anshinotary.com/.


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